Sofia Elizabeth Miller

Recent News

Sofie continued her diet of specialty formula (that thankfully insurance paid for), but still struggles with reflux. Despite her obvious discomfort at times, she's a happy baby. We began working on "tummy time" with her to help her build strength, and she's begun giggling at things (mostly her big sister).


Click each link on the right. If the video is jumpy, read this.

Giggling at Allie

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  1. Giggling at Allie (1:35)
  2. Smiling and cooing (1:06)
  3. Smiling at Froggy (1:07)
  4. Smiling at Froggy for Daddy (1:38)
  5. Smiling at cow (2:01)
  6. Sofie Sue closeup smile (1:01)
  7. Sofie watching her big sister (0:53)
  8. Talking to Mommy (1:13)
  9. Talking to bears (2:41)
  10. Laying on mat (0:24)
  11. 12 weeks old (0:34)
  12. Closeup (0:32)
  13. Closeup lying on mat (1:04)
  14. On mat trying to roll over (1:42)
  15. Smiling cooing at bunny (2:29)
  16. Tummy time (2:10)
  17. Looking at bears (0:14)

(Click thumbnail to view enlarged photo)

Photo Slideshow

Sound asleep

Little burrito

Nana & the girls

Sofie & Aunt Karen

Daddy feeding Sofie

With Gramps

Uncle Todd & Aunt Jess